Although no one expects the worst when they go out on a motorbike trip, it happens much too frequently. Approximately 4,000 motorcycle riders die, and over 80,000 are injured in traffic incidents each year. However, in almost 80% of these collisions involving several vehicles, the motorcycle rider was not at fault. You might attempt to ride a motorbike more defensively and safely by being aware of the reasons for motorcycle accidents. However, even if you are the most cautious driver, a careless or irresponsible driver in another car could make an instantaneous judgment that could have a significant effect on you.
Sadly, there’s a good chance you will ultimately have to put your motorcycle down if you ride it for a long enough period of time. For certain riders, the question is not if but when; additionally, as we stated before, the rider is frequently not the one who is at blame. Regardless of who is at fault, about 80% of accidents result in either fatalities or serious injuries. Motorcycles cause about 10% of all traffic fatalities despite making up only 3% of all vehicles on the road.1.
To put it simply, motorcycling is a perilous endeavor.
But if you know the answer to the question, “How do most motorcycle accidents happen?” you can take the appropriate safety measures to manage the things that you can control. In this article, we will discuss how most motorcycle accidents happen so that you and your loved ones can stay educated and aware.
Left Slopes
Not surprisingly, this is one of the most frequent causes of motorcycle crashes—it accounts for 42% of all motorcycle-related collisions with other vehicles, such as cars. Naturally, it also occurs when there are two cars involved as opposed to just one and a motorcycle. However, an automobile can do more damage than a motorcycle because of its smaller size.
Direct Collision
This occurs when a car and a motorcycle collide head-on, as the name suggests. This kind of collision frequently occurs when a driver, generally in a car, enters the oncoming traffic lane in an attempt to pass another vehicle and fails to notice the approaching motorcycle. The motorcycle might be stuck and unable to avoid colliding with either of the two cars. Unfortunately, one or both drivers—especially the motorcyclist—can easily die in an accident of this kind.
Many motorcycle accidents, including those involving other cars as well as those involving just the motorcyclist, are caused by intoxication. All things considered, drinking is a major factor in motorcycle accidents.
Making U-turns
When riding a motorbike, a rider may encounter unanticipated terrain when turning a corner, such as sand, water, or other materials that could cause the motorcycle to slip and the rider to lose control. Taking a fast turn on a clean, dry corner increases the risk of losing control. This may lead to an accident involving the motorcycle rider that may also affect other vehicles.
Changing Lanes
When someone is changing lanes and fails to see that there is a motorbike in the lane they wish to go into, it is another frequent reason for motorcycle accidents. The driver of the car might not notice them even if they are side by side. Motorcyclists have a tendency to vanish into blind areas, and motorists risk missing them if they fail to check their rearview mirror and turn their heads. The rider in this kind of collision may not detect the car moving into the lane until it is almost too late.
Motorcyclists believe that riding a motorcycle at a fast pace can be fun, which is one of its benefits. Unfortunately, if the speed goes over the speed limit, there are consequences on the legal front. Even though the rider is traveling at the permitted pace, the legal speed is probably more than they should be using if there are unfavorable road conditions (ice or rain, debris, poor vision, etc.). Reflexes have less time to activate, and a person has less control the faster they move. This holds true for both motorbikes and automobiles.
If I Get into a Motorcycle Accident, What Can I Do Legally?
This kind of mishap is covered by the personal injury law category. An expert personal injury lawyer can assess your case and provide guidance on the types of claims that may be possible. The other driver may face legal repercussions if the motorcycle rider is not at fault—which, as you may recall, occurs more than 80% of the time.
How Can I Be Safe While Riding?
Attorneys for the opposing party may attempt to undermine your case by highlighting instances in which you may have been negligent, even though the accident was not your fault.
These are just a few strategies you should incorporate into your regular motorcycle riding practice to safeguard yourself both generally and when negotiating or appearing in court:
- Put on a helmet. Riding a motorcycle without a helmet can give you a wonderful sense of being in the vast outdoors. However, it is commonly known that wearing a helmet improves safety. According to data from the International Institute for Highway Safety, helmets can save a person’s life in an accident by roughly 37% and prevent brain damage by 67%.
- Attend safety training for motorcycles. There are various courses available, ranging from basic motorcycle riding instruction to more advanced classes. In addition to being beneficial when driving, picking the brains of seasoned professionals may demonstrate to a jury or judge how seriously you take safety.
- Put on safety gear. Going without a helmet might make being outside seem more enjoyable, and forgoing the protective gear in favor of shorts and tank tops can also give you a sense of freedom. However, in the event of an unplanned accident—which most of them are—not wearing protective gear may result in more severe injuries.
No one can deny that motorcycling is risky, especially compared to other modes of transportation. To lessen the chance of a deadly collision happening, you can be vigilant and take the appropriate safety measures by being aware of the most frequent causes of accidents. Adolphe can assist if you are in an accident and are wondering what the typical settlement for a motorcycle accident is or how long a lawsuit for a motorbike accident takes. Contact Adolphe Law Group, your Motorcycle Accident Lawyer. Thank you for visiting.